
You may now send your order via the internet or, if you wish print it out and send it to us by mail or fax.

Order over the Internet
Ensure that the details below are correct then click the Order button.
For further information on ordering, click Here

Print an order form
To print an order form and send it by mail or fax,click Here
  • The prices shown above are only a guide. Current prices, descriptions and availability details will be supplied once contact has been made to the Maplin web-site.
  • To maintain absolute security you will not asked for credit card or personal details until you are connected, via the secure link, to the Maplin Site.
  • UK customers orders over £30 carriage free.
  • Orders less than £30 will incur £2.50 carriage charges.
  • Orders for Catalogue's or CD-ROM's will be carriage free in the UK only.
  • Export customers click here for further information.